Monday, April 27, 2009

Geothermal Energy - An Informative Introduction to Clean Energy

I'm sure you've herd of terms like alternative energy, or think green. The fact is that its never been a better time to start thinking of better ways to use, and conserve our natural resources. Even if you don't care much about conserving our resources. You can count on the fact that you can save money through some types of alternative energy. This will spark most peoples interest.
Geothermal Energy - An Informative Introduction to Clean Energy

Geothermal energy is one way you can cute out on that ever rising power bill. If you've never heard the word geothermal before then that's ok. Its a new process in which contractors drill down deep into the earth to use thermal energy as a power source. Geothermal energy is a thermal based energy that is stored deep inside of the earth. The different types of thermal resources available give us different types of engineering and drilling challenges. Unlike fossil fuels there is almost unlimited amounts of clean energy available in the earths crust. There are several types of geothermal energy. They include:
  1. Conventional Geothermal sources
    • The Binary cycle power plants - Which draws up hot water from deep within the earth and then applies a second liquid that has a much lower boiling point then water that then vaporizes instantly. The steam that it shots out rotates large power turbines.
    • Hot and dry rock geothermal power - This type is much more simple. It uses a well that is drilled so deep that it hits hot bedrock. You then pore fluid down the well to produce steam. Which can then be converted into power.
  2. A geothermal heat pump - This type of system is used mainly to heat and cool houses and buildings. If you dig ten to fifteen feet down you will find that it maintains a constant sixty degrees Fahrenheit all year around. The point is to draw up that air into your home or office to maintain that ideal temperature for the whole year, or you can pump a fluid threw a series of pips and run it through a air pump reducing or eliminating the need for electric heat and air.
  3. Pumping out the hot geothermal water - This is self explanatory. You pump out the hot water from within the earths crust for use in home or for commercial applications. This type is not available in all places of the earth unless you can dig extremely deep.
There are geothermal power plants in just four states in the united state. These states are:
  • California - There are 33 geo power plants in this state and it makes up over 90% of our nations power.
  • Nevada - There are 14 in this state.
  • Hawaii - Has only one.
  • Utah - Has only one.
Earthquakes and volcanoes oh my...

The highest output of conventional geothermal energy is found along the path of tectonic plates where you see volcanoes and earthquakes the most. This is why California has 33 power plants using geo thermal, as California has the largest fault line in the USA. You can have a geothermal heat pump anywhere in the world but the ones along the fault lines are the most common. This type is called geothermal reservoirs. These natural reservoirs are filled with water. When the magma from the earths mantle comes up due to the rising of tectonic plats it heats the water in the geothermal reservoirs making them perfect for farming the pure clean energy. A good example of a geothermal well is old faithful in yellow stone national park. However this is protected by law as not to disturb this natural wonder.

I know what your thinking now. How long does the water in the reservoirs last? Well the power plants that use this type of energy have a special process in which they inject the used steam and water back into the reservoir. This type of power plant is still very new, but in theory the water should last as long as the power plant.

All these types of new power plants are 99% clean. The natural sulfur that does come up with the water is filtered out so this process is as good for the environment as possible.

How can you get geothermal heating and air conditioning?

There are plenty of contractors that provide a full installation service. There is even a two thousand dolor tax credit for people and businesses that install geothermal heating and cooling. The majority of the cost will be for the drilling, and the other gear you will need for the geothermal heat pump.

The earth absorbs about forty sever percent of all the sun light that hits the ground. That's what makes the ground below ten feet stay a constant temperature. The holes are often drilled in a vertical series of loops about one hundred to two hundred feet down.

If you live close to water they will place the pips around 50 feet down and horizontally. If you live right at a body of water you can put your pips in the water and anchored to the bottom. This causes a friction as the fluid passes in a series of loops threw the water. which will heat in the winter, and cool in the summer. You can also do this with a well if you have one. If you live in a geo active aria you can also tap into enough hot water to not have to really on a water heater. Saving you even more money.

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